Twitter? Yes, I heard of it before but isn’t that social media platform highly outdated, overrated, and no longer trendy?
Apparently, I was wrong and I was told that if I wanted my name, brand, and boobs to prosper, I needed to get my ass on there as soon as possible. Like literally.
As with so many things in the sex worker industry, Twitter was also new to me, but with some good advice, I was ready to take it on!
Here are a few tips on how you to can grow a Twitter following, as an adult content creator.
Table of Contents
Naked Body Online
So, I created my account and gave myself a few days to get to know Twitter.
I even looked up some tutorial clips on YouTube to see what Twitter was all about. What is retweeting and how do you use hash tacks? But it all became very clear to me once I started using it.
I found myself a proper description for my profile, some nice pictures to go with, and decided to post my first tweet… a fairly decent and innocent picture of myself asking for help on my first Twitter weeK (and some followers with it, please).
I got the hang of how the site works and who are on there quite quickly and I got excited to continue the Twitter journey.
After a few days of twittering some vanilla pictures, I decided it was time to be a bit cheekier, so my first nude on Twitter was a fact.
But, oh my God, have I hesitated before I decided to put my naked body actually out there!
But yes, I will be able to explain to my friends and family, if they will ever, ever see me. So, for now, I have nothing to fear.
Hannah Love is a member of the 100 Ways To Make Money Sexually course.
If you’d like to enroll and join Hannah and others in learning how to make money as an online content creator, check out the course here.
Numbers Going Up
And then obviously the numbers started going up.
On some days I had 10 more followers, on some days I only gained one or two. But most importantly; it was and still is amazing to see the connections we as human beings make.
In the few weeks I have been Tweeting I have made so many friends. I try to focus on the boyfriends obviously, they are the ones that need to get horny and pay my bills.
So, figuring out if they are willing to spend on me is an important daily task.
Through Direct Messages, I try to establish if any guy wants to open his wallet for me.
But from lovely vanilla chats to a horny quote, to discussing work with a colleague… I have been talking to so many people and that makes this platform, or even any social media platform, so pleasant. Especially in these times of lockdowns and social distancing.
Following & Complimenting of Girlfriends
From a very dear friend in the sex work industry, I was given the golden tip to follow and make friends with girls on Twitter.
Not every horny girl, but just the pretty ones, the ones with thousands and thousands of followers and the ones that you could really compare yourself with.
The clue is to comment on their selfies every single day, trying to get them to like you and even retweet you. Especially a retweet from a girl with a lot of followers will bring some crowd to your profile too.
Another great thing about following these girls is that you get to see what they are up to and what kind of content they are creating. That is also very important for your own content quality.
So, for example, a tweet where you ask viewers to interact will bring you more traffic and hopefully followers. And a nude also does the trick.
But besides retweeting and making friends with the popular girls I also noticed that their fans are seeing me. So, they like my tweet and comment back or even start to follow me. And there is where the trick lies….
Finding a big platform to showcase yourself and what better way is there than to surf on the wave of the really popular girls.
Be Cheeky
Of course, I am still not there, with just a mere 300 followers I am just getting started. But it took me 10 years to have 300 friends on Facebook, so I am still happy with the results.
I can tell you from experience though that a cheekier, daring and especially naked tweet will bring you more followers than a vanilla tweet. But I am sure you figured that out already.
I am also trying to show my personality, not just sexy pictures, but more about who I am, what I like, how often I climb the mountain in my backyard, and on how many sex dates I go.
I feel that is more me than just the nudes and the tits in a tweet. I am trying to stay true to myself here.
My First Payment (From Twitter)
So, my everyday engagement with Twitter did pay off, and I can tell you it was the happiest day of my life (well, at least of the week)! My dear follower Brian asked me for custom-made content and I went for it immediately.
I made some cheeky pictures for him, a 1-minute video where I strip, and some naughty talk to go with it. He paid me USD 50 for it!
I was over the moon.
I know there are girls who think USD 50 is not worth doing any effort for, but I couldn’t be happier and every day I keep on talking to Brian, as part of my after-sales service.
My plan is obviously to keep him close and to let him pay for my new hike shoes by the end of the month.
I am so loving it and really try to learn every day about Twitter, how I can improve and connect, to obviously in the end make as much money as possible!
Please connect with me on Twitter if you have anything to ask me. I am happy to help!
This article was created for by Hannah Love.