How to Sell Butt Photos Online (Tips, Tricks & Ideas)

Even though you may be thinking that only selling butt photos online would be a waste of time, trust me, you likely have the potential to earn decent money from doing it; you probably just don’t know-how.

In a world where everything is already seen because people have access to it at their fingertips, the only thing you need to learn is how to brand yourself differently in order to stand out.

Yes, everyone has a butt, and probably every man out there has seen a woman’s butt, but they haven’t seen your butt, and that’s what you are going to take advantage of.

You need to understand that learning how to make people want to see your butt is what will bring you money, and lots of it.

Therefore, in this article, I will teach you how to sell butt photos online and a few other crucial tips and tricks you need to implement to make this a fun experience for you while also selling a fantasy to your buyers and filling your pockets.

But, first, let’s get into the technical stuff of how to get started with selling butt photos:

how to sell butt photos online

Sign Up To Several Adult Platforms

The first thing you need to do is look up online adult platforms and go through their terms and conditions. See what they have to offer for a seller like you and decide whether their conditions are acceptable.

Next, you want to sign up for a few of these platforms. But don’t choose too many. Instead, pick one or two that you like and start small but confident.

Also, avoid signing up for huge platforms like OnlyFans and ManyVids because these are oversaturated and probably the worst options for beginners who don’t have an established following.

Instead, check out the following beginner-friendly adult platforms where you can upload and sell your butt photos:


Joining PocketStars is free, and you get to keep 80% of the earnings from all your sales.

Read my full PocketStars review for more information.


Joining Fan-Topia is free, and the platform will pay you 92.5% of all your sales.

Read my full Fan-Topia review for more information.

Frisk Chat

Frisk is another popular platform where you can sell your butt photos, nudes, and all sorts of adult content. The platform is free to join and pays out 80% of all your sales.

Read mt full Frisk-Chat review for more information.

Create Social Media Accounts

If you want to be successful with selling butt photos online, you have to get on at least one social media platform.

The best social media platforms to advertise your adult content are Twitter and Snapchat.

Twitter is for a more mature audience, although you will definitely find a young audience there, too, while Snapchat is more for a younger audience.

So before creating a social media account for your business, think of what kind of audience you want to advertise your business to and stick to one of these (or both if you think you can manage them properly).

Manage Your Social Media Properly

Social media isn’t just mindless posting, especially when it comes to managing your platforms for business. A lot of planning should go into your posts, especially if you want to stand out in an oversaturated niche such as the adult content one.

But, to start with, the first thing you need to avoid is posting way too revealing photos as this could get you flagged and taken down.

Twitter is quite lax when it comes to adult content and services, but you still want to play it safe and avoid getting taken down.

Next, you need to constantly engage with other content creators or potential clients.

Engaging with other content creators (especially those with a bigger following) will get you more exposure.

Ask for retweets, shares, and collaborations, or even just show support by commenting under their posts so that people who follow them can also see your account.

Additionally, you can also browse other sellers’ friend lists to see if you can follow some new buyers and grow your audience.

Lastly, but most importantly, don’t forget to update your bio and let everyone who sees your profile know what other adult platforms they can find you on and what kind of content they can expect to see from you.

RELATED: How to Sell Used Panties on Twitter?

Interact With Potential Buyers

how to take creative butt photos

This is the most important part of using your social media account to sell butt photos or any type of adult content.

Interacting with potential buyers will sell your product for you. Therefore, try to comment under other posts in a similar niche or engage in a conversation with someone talking about similar things.

The only thing you should avoid is spamming the link to your online marketplace everywhere, especially in DMs.

There is nothing that is a bigger turn-off than when you spam your marketplace link everywhere and anywhere. It’s likely that people will get annoyed and unfollow you if you’re posting too much or tweeting your marketplace link in inappropriate places.

But besides that, doing this won’t be great for business either, as chances are you will end up being followed by bot accounts that don’t do much for you other than retweeting your tweets to other bot accounts.

Instead, if you notice someone engaging in your content, politely slide into their DMs or comment that you sell butt photos and that you can share your link if they are interested.

Post Sneak Peeks

how to sell pictures of your butt online

This is pretty much self-explanatory but still worth mentioning.

As I already said above, you have to be active on social media so that potential buyers can see that they will have constant fresh content to look forward to after paying.

But sometimes you have to give a little something and attract people who are not so easy to persuade with just words.

Don’t forget that this is a highly visual market, and you have to make full use of that.

Therefore, consider posting teasers and sneak peeks of the content your followers would see once they pay. Try to make this content engaging, positive, and interesting.

Make Your Photos Look Professional

Let’s be honest here. A random photo of your butt cheeks just won’t cut it nowadays when everything is easily available at full display.

Therefore, people who actually pay for adult content instead of accessing it for free online surely want to see creators putting some effort into their craft and doing something different.

Therefore, before even considering selling butt photos for a living, consider that you have to put effort into your photos.

Find your good angles, learn how to take good photos, perhaps even invest in an online editing course and learn how to take your creations to the next level.

Be Creative

Creativity matters in this niche because, as I already mentioned in the intro – the goal is to stand out and get more clients who will pay for your butt photos.

And being creative is actually very easy once you get the hang of this business.

For example, social media is free, so you can always see what other sellers are doing and use them as inspiration, but avoid doing the same things because what works for them won’t necessarily work for you.

It’s important to find something that you can pull off authentically, so try to come up with your creative ways of taking photos and try to brand your photos with similar effects and a similar way of editing so that they look like small parts from a bigger story told by you.

Besides that, you can take butt photos in places like public, restaurants, bars, in the grass while on a picnic, take butt pics with stuff like dildos or other sex toys between your butt cheeks, apply oil on your butt, or milk, or peanut butter, cake, etc.

For example, you can create a cooking story and post a file containing ten butt photos that tell the story part after part. The first photo could be of your butt sitting on the table; then the second photo can be of your butt with flour all over it, looking like you’ve been working the dough with your butt cheeks, etc.

Then edit them with similar effects and dump them into a file for your paying customers to see. They will certainly enjoy both the story and the photos.

There are so many ways to be creative in this niche; you would actually find it difficult to copy other people once you start. You just need to look for inspiration and think of creative ways to express yourself.

A good tip is to try and look for inspiration in the most random, everyday situations, such as doing laundry, cooking, ironing, gardening, grocery shopping, etc. This is how you will make your followers and customers feel like they are a part of your life.

This is solely why social media influencers with hundreds of thousands of followers are that popular. Because they overshare their lives with people that like to feel like they are a part of it.

Anyone can go online and find thousands of butt pics for free, but you need to make people want to pay for yours, and the only way to do this is to be authentic and attract buyers that would be happy to pay for your authenticity because they like to see more of you.

Write Creative Descriptions

When posting butt photos on adult platforms like the ones I mentioned above, try to write long-ish and creative descriptions.

Don’t just post drooling or tongue emojis as a description under your photo because this looks distasteful, and I would be willing to bet that it doesn’t arouse anyone who reads it. Heck, people just probably even ignore it most of the time.

Instead, look into other, more creative ways of expressing yourself, like writing short erotic stories, teasers, and engaging texts that will make people comment and engage with your content.

Look into creative romantic writings, read romantic or erotic books, listen to songs that inspire you and write about them, take references from erotic movie scenes, etc.

Use naughty language but avoid being vulgar and writing stuff like “would you like to do *insert vulgarity* to my butt,” rather, try to interact with your audience/buyers on deeper levels so that you make them crave you in more intimate ways and connect with you instead of just wanting to do *vulgar* things to your butt.

butt poses

Treat Your Buyers

Here are a few great ways to treat your buyers and stand out from other creators in your niche:

Instead of only selling butt photos online, offer a unique service where your buyers will receive an envelope with a couple of creatively done and edited butt photos, a card with creative erotic writing, or just a playful thank you note, and another smaller card spritzed with your signature scent.

Next, you can treat your buyers by sending them freebie audio or video where you recite erotic poetry and/or play with your butt cheeks or butt hole, etc.

You can also send them “thank you” audios for buying your butt photos.

These don’t even need to be all that different. You can just record ten short audios where you thank your clients for buying your butt photos and just send whichever one you choose. It will take you a total of 5 minutes to do all this, but it really means a lot to the buyer.

You will soon realize how much people love these things, and you are likely to have recurring customers who will keep coming back for the creative content.